Thursday, August 9, 2007

We're here!

Okay, we made it safe and sound. We went and saw the kids last night but let me say that since Sue's trip things have change a bit I think. Jessie was very insistant that we take Junior the first night and I feel part of this was to keep us away from the house. I have this weird feeling that we will NOT be spending time there. I kind of wanted to ease into Junior getting usd to us before taking him but there was none of that.

The kids are so anxious to leave and I know that is hard to hear. Some observations:

Alomiza is so beautiful and much smaller than she appears in pictures.
Florence and Diamond - both are fantastic and Florence despite her small size is a ball of energy.
Ishamel - watched and anxiously waited for any words that might be an indicator of when his parents are coming.
Diamond - Female I asked the kids they did not know who I was talking about. I don't think she is there but will ask Jessie specifically today.
Kurker - was totally into a movie and completely well behaved.
Gormah - came and cautiously got close and was anxious to have attention but very shy about it.

We were only at the home a few minutes and they whisked Junior of to change and then took us to the hotel. We never even got pictures. Weird. Junior was scared at first out at night for the first time ever. Not how I pictured it. But, he is fine now. The hotel is a whole lot of fun. Oh and he LOVES FOOD! Fits right in with us!!

We go to the Embassy today - I have no idea what will happen as there are still issues at least according to Cheryl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Valerie, I am so glad you made it safely! It must be wonderful to finally be holding Junior!!! I really am hoping all goes well for you today and will be waiting anxiously for your update.