Saturday, January 26, 2008

More videos - Yes I have gone wild!

Okay, these all are within the last 24 hours.

Akins found these under his bed. I won't explain them so don't bother asking just enjoy the video. Sue this is for you and Scott just in case you were at all worried about Eman and his wild cross dressing moments.

This was him back as swimming - post "gutty button" surgery # 2. He loves it! The instructor said if we can get his "pull" or the ability to pull himself with cupped palms forward through the water he is ready to move to the next level. Not bad after only two lessons.

I've realized that Akins does not talk on these videos very much so I was trying to capture his accent before it fades completely away. This includes some new baby fish and well some more of Akins dance moves including a display of his badonkey donk!

Friday, January 25, 2008

A bunch of videos

Okay, I know I should have done this sooner as Mom gave me this really cool viedo cam for Christmas that saves videos as MOV files making it really easy to put on youtube and then load here. So, get some popcorn and sit back and enjoy!

Christmas Morning Akins checking out all the stuff.

Christmas Day Riding his Jeep in the Back Yard.

For some of you watching Akins (Junior) dance is a favorite video moment. So here he is getting ready for when he will be old enough to try out for Amerian Idol.

Finally, the "gutty button" it still has tape residue on it and well he still has the big belly but one day I think it will be beautiful!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Big Sigh!

Dr. Mary gives all clear. Apparently, I misintrepreted the soft and hard belly button thing, but in any event she was thrilled with his belly button today. Better than last time and seemed very optimistic that it was doing well. There is no signs of fluid and it is smaller with less excess skin then last time. So... I hope that it's a wrap on the Gutty Button Take Two. Pictures will come after we all of the adhesive off so you can actually see it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back to Dr. Mary - deep breath

Tomorrow is Akins follow up visit to see how the "gutty button" is doing two weeks after the surgery. I must admit I am concerend. We have had a hard time keeping him still and the daycare has really struggled despite valiant efforts. He feels good so he wants to be a three year old and there is a ton of energy that he does not understand should not be expended the way he normally would. The area feels very hard when he is laying down in a relaxed position and you press on it, this should be soft and kind os squishy feeling. I am hoping it is just scar tissue but...I'm worried. I have decided though if it is not right, unless it is truly life threatening we will wait and do this WAY down the road when he can understand the concept of a doctor telling him no vigorous activity. I hope I am worried for no reason. We'll know in the morning. He is expecting a thumbs up on swimming so I REALLY hope we are not disappointed because he is going to be very unhappy if swimming remains on hold.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Chattin' it up with friends on the net

Tonight we did the first web conference with some of Akins friends. Sue and Scott, Abegail, Eman and Annie all joined us for a webcast converstaion as a way of keeping the kids linked to each other. Okay, it was a little chaotic. We all were a bit webcam challenged and never did get volume, so we just stayed on speakerphone, Akins wants to scream at the camera and for the boys closer is always way better even if then you can't see each other. The boys were screaming I love you, all were blowing kisses and we got a few lines of the Potty Song out of Abegail. Annie, of course was the sit back and wait her turn perfect angel that we all know she is. What a cutie! Oh, yeah and Akins had to show of his belly button to everyone even though it is still covered with the patch. When the call ended and we went off to bed he had a few questions:

Akins: "Eman has a Mommy"?
Mommy: "Yes, Sue you saw her" (Oh yeah and I left out that he was hittin' on Sue on the call too - that little ladies man thing again)
Akins: "You are my Mommy"?
Mommy: "Yes"
Akins: "Whapin Grandma" (What happened to Grandma)
Mommy: "Grandma is my Mommy".
Akins: " NO - you're not little"
Mommy: "Right, but when you get big I'll still be your mommy right"?
Akins: Pondering...
Mommy: "I'm your Mommy, Sue is Eman's Mommy and Grandma is my Mommy".
Akins: "No, you are my Mommy".

Okay, you win. :)

Within five minutes he was gone, I'm sure dreaming about his friends and everyone's Mommies.

Liberia's Troubled Past

MONROVIA, Liberia — One of Liberia's most notorious rebel commanders, known as Gen. Butt Naked, has returned to confess his role in terrorizing the nation, saying he is responsible for 20,000 deaths.

The story is very graphic but can be found at the following link for all who dare to read and desire to learn more of Akins homeland. The details make me shutter and yet better understand sometimes the things Akins says. He has an interesting and graphic way of describing how he will deal with things (animals) or people that cross him. I just hope he is young enough that some of the things he has either seen or heard eventually fade.,2933,324195,00.html