Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good News!

Update this morning is that an email has been sent to the Embassy directly to Alma the woman that did the visa interview. Additionally, the agency director has a copy of the email too. After telling the agency director that I did not think a second interview was required she feels confident that the visa will be issued on Monday. That would make me feel a WHOLE LOT better. Even if it is Tuesday that will still be great. She also said that I NEED to go to the house and let Junior spend time with the his friends and have a very special day the last day. Which means I will be able to see your kids and get more photos - especially those that are desperately needed, like Diamond (Angeline) for Karen. I also will deliver the letters and cards I have - personally since I do not trust Jessie at this point.

Sue - don't feel bad about E-man and the fingernail polish. Junior wants to wear lipstick every day! His special color is pink!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I feel so badly that I didn't send something for Ishamel, but I thought I was coming right after you. I had to change my travel days to 9/11 ugh!!! But tell Ishamel and Diamond we are planning to be there September 12th. Give them both hugs for me and tell them I love them. If you could get Diamond's size and birthdate for me I would really appreciate it. I'm glad to know she is at the AFAA house and anxious to hear anything you can tell me about her.
Jumior in pink lipstick pushing his cars and trucks!! You must be having the time of your life :)!