Saturday, October 25, 2008

In Search of the Great Pumpkin

Last year we found a pumpkin patch but not the greatest one in the world. This year we found one that had a whole lot of fun things to do! Here are the highlights.

This riding in the wagon business is for the birds I want to run!

How about this one?

Jumpin' Pumpkin'

Got to give Snoopy a hug

Popup Cat video

Wheel barrow mania this is hard

I don't like that big one...these are a little easier


No Fear...Face First

Loads of determination!

Okay, maybe this one is a little too big

Of course no pumpkin patch is compelte without a hay or wagon ride

What's in there?

I can eat this?

A bumble bee pony...WHAT?

Oops! I ran over the cow!

And then....Lights Out!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

Three brief but really funny conversations with Lorea:

Akins: What is the white stuff in your hair?
Lorea: It's not white, it's grey.
Akins: No it's white. Where did it come from?
Lorea: When you get old you get grey hair.
Akins: It's not grey it's white.

Akins: I want a sister
Lorea: You want a sister?
Akins: Yeah
Lorea: Where are we supposed to get a sister from?
Akins: Same place you get your son!

Lorea: I'm still hungry I want to eat more.
Akins: You ate too much.
Lorea: What, I did not eat too much. Did you see me eat too much?
Akins: Yes, you always eat too much!