Sunday, October 7, 2007

Getting his feelings hurt

It seems there is no way to forever avoid getting Akins feelings hurt. Last week we had his birthday party and the kids from next door were invited. Yesterday, Akins said he wanted to ride his cycle so we go outside only to discover the little girl next door having her birthday party to which he was not invited. BUT - she turned eight and she was having a girl party that appeared it would be turning into a slumber party. Oh course, Akins wanted to go over there to play and I had to explain to him that he was not invited and then go in to further explaintion around why she only wanted girls at her party, none of which made him feel any better - he cried and I felt horrible. The good news, he IS invited to a boys party from daycare for today. Now, if I can only get him to understand that he does not get to blow out the candles or open the gifts and that he must give the gift we have wrapped to his friend, we will be in good shape. It is truly like having an infant who is learning and seeing everything for the very first time and not all of the first time experiences are wonderful. So for those of you still waiting on your kids to come home, brace up for some difficult and painful times too.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the pain of hurt feelings! When my kids have been hurt, I think I hurt even more. You want to protect them from being hurt but it's just part of life. It is a good teaching opportunity (which you handled very well!) and you hope they can grow from it, but oh yes, it hurts nonetheless! The joys of motherhood! Sally

Anonymous said...

It is exactly that they are all younger emotionally! Hang in there. He is such a sweet boy. In our household we have decided to stop missing Akins (and you and Lorea) and instead look forward to when we will see you again. Even Annie says, I want to go to Junior's house!