Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Important Man's Haircut!

Okay, Lorea is obsessed with cutting his hair. The VERY first thing she purchased when we started the adoption process was a clipper set from Sally's. So, she has been waiting a long time to use them and every chance she gets those things are buzzin'. These are the result of her latest creation. Akins thinks it's great because it looks like "An Important Man's" hair. Once again, an important man is anyone in uniform so we are thinking he sees this as equivalent to a police man or military type of official. Keep in mind he lived with a police man for a couple of months so this may be where the talk of the important man comes from, but also this is a common Liberian phrase when speaking of government officials. Also, for those of you asking what's the deal with the hernia one of the shots gives you a pretty good shot of what it looks like. If you haven't figured it out already you can double click any photo to get an enlarged view.


Anonymous said...

You're looking handsome Akins! Wait until E-man sees this!

Anonymous said...

Val-I think you need to take the clippers away from Lorea. Of course that is just an older persons view point. Sondie

Anonymous said...

Love your version of the mohawk, cute.