Friday, December 21, 2007


Just as we pull away from the daycare the conversation goes something like this...

"Mommy"? (Nearly in tears)
"Yes, baby".
"Yes, baby".
"Mommy, the school".
"The school?"
"Mommy, the new school, has your".
"The new school has what"?
"Mommy, (almost crying again) the new school, has your something".

OKAY, what the hell??? I'm thinking...

"It's okay the new school has my something". (hoping this will end the conversation because I haven't a clue what it is and why he is so upset about it).
Crying harder
"NO - Mommy, the new school has your something for the juicy". (circular hand motions)
MIND RACING...juicy....
LIGHT BULB... the juicy is pineapple.
"The new school has the pineapple"?
"NO, (getting angry that I don't get it and he doesn't know what it is called -really crying now) the new school has your something for the juicy".

LIGHT BULB - much brighter. The platter that the fruit including the juicy pineapple was on that I took for the daycare holiday party! WOW!!!

"The new school has my platter? The tray that I took the juicy on"?
"Yeah". (Sounds a little relieved)
"It's okay we can get it tomorrow, we have more".
"NO, I WAN' IT"!
"We have three more at home, I'll show you".
"Okay, tomorrow you can show me where they put it and we can get it".

WOW! I'm tired and we aren't even home yet...

New day...leaving the house to go to daycare.

"Mommy, I wan' to go to the new school".
"Okay, we are on our way".
"I wan' the something".
"Okay, show me when we get there".
We arrive - he races to the classroom to show me the disposable tray the fruit had been delivered on two days ago. It's now in my car, I guess we will be taking it back home.

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