Friday, September 7, 2007

Barber or Butcher? - I am in big trouble...

Akins asked me to cut his hair which was getting a little long but certainly not out of control. Now, keep in mind I've never used those clippers before but hey how hard can it be? Well, let's just say it's almost 9:00pm and we are waiting for Lorea to get home before taking a bath, but the real reason is so that the boy will not look like he is undergoing chemo tomorrow. It is officially determined I will not be cutting hair again in this household, next time Akins asks he can wait for Lorea or a barber. I am definately more of a butcher, should have known after all once upon a time in another life I was an active member of a meat packing union. I was 17 and managed to stay on the packing side rather than the cutting side of the business, even then someone knew.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You crack me up! I'm sure that the real picture isn't as bad as the one I have in my head from your description! Hope all is well now.
