What started out as a simple trip to the Rhema Bible College to see the lights, a holiday tradition, turned into well, a long journey. The students at Rhema start decorating in August and let me tell you it far surpasses any other place I have seen in my life. Truly a magical experience! Some pictures follow, but I must say they do not do justice. After touring the college it was supposed to be simply back home. For those of you that travelled by car earlier this year or for anyone else who has passed through OK you will note there are turnpikes. The plus to a turnpike is it is usually a well maintained road with higher speed limits. The down side, it costs a pike fee and once you are on you are generally committed for quite a while as there are no turn outs to go back. Well, the adventure is about to begin...we decided to take the Creek turnpike home as it is a fast drop onto the 412 near our home BUT... we missed our turn dumping us onto the turnpike heading to Muskogee. So, now we are stuck for a while. Then the exit for Wagoner comes up and somehow while digging for coins to pay at the turnpike booth and some construction adding to the confusion we managed to miss ANOTHER exit leaving us committed to the turnpike until at least the Muskogee exit 20 or so miles further down the road. While discussing this and while intentionlly getting Lorea spun up about being lost, all the while I know exactly where we are are but am enjoying the toment of it all. Akins begins to get a bit worried about our ability to find our house and says "I miss my dogs"! This left us in hysterics. Okay, bud we are fine just going to take too long to get home. I think we ended up driving a good hour longer than necessary as a result of our errors. Mom and I thought it was funny, Lorea frustrated and Akins fell asleep because it took too long.

Another funny quote:
Lorea: Come on Akins come with me we'll go to the mall and buy a present for Mommy-O, but you have to keep the secret.
Akins: I can not go.
Lorea: Why?
Akins: I can not know.
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