The evening begins with his special requested meal - SHAGETTI AND GREENS!
How old are you???
Eyeballin'the gifts
Oh, but just one more bite of uhhhh....GREENS! REALLY??? Whatever dude!
What could be better than a remote controlled SHIDER?
Make a wish and blow out your PINK candles!
Rob and Big T-shirt - well let's just say Rob and Big are BIG at our house. Of course some require a little censoring.
Hulk boxing gloves - long story behind this I will share at halloween!
Okay, I know I am biased but is this not the most beautiful kid in the world!
The gift of all...Akins chose Ironman over a trampoline. Again, I say WHAT? REALLY? Whatever dude. So, $24.99 vs. $180.00. Excellent!
Possibly a little afraid of the Shider?
The Chase Is On!
Giving Grandma some lovin' before she takes off.
I'm not sure who likes the Spider more Akins or Dolly?????
Note the full on tongue action - yummy spider!