What a great 2nd Christmas for Akins. We opened presents, ate and spent the day playing with toys, mastering our WII balance board skills, talking via web and phone to all the relatives far away. He was thrilled with his gifts but could not focus on what to play with from moment to moment. Santa brought a bike that looks like a dirt bike, Grandma got an RC Quad very cool, Mommy-O and Lorea got him a trampoline, Grandma Karlene got him a camera and some really good friends got him the bug vaccuum, BIG hit - he went outside despite the very cold temp and sucked up everything he could find, returning to show each bug to us one by one. There were tons of gifts from cousins, Aunts and Uncles from the North and West, games, and toys too many to list and more than a boy ever needs. Tomorrow we leave VERY early for vacation in Cancun, Akins will be sportin' a very cool "spidey" suit for the trip! See ya' after the first of the year!

Vroom Vroom!

The jumping thing... displayed by two fingers jumping in the air
High on Akins wish list this year was "lippy" (lipstick), oh but it must be PINK! Lorea you want some?

Can't forget the dogs. Dolly had been smellin' those bones all night long
Boxes make good toys too!
Have an awesome time, send some sun to MN if you get a chance!
Glad your holiday was merry. Very jealous of the trip!
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