The staff was awesome and a total part of the experience as they led the pool and kids games then entertained us at night at the hotel club with extravagant shows each evening.
Maima playing water volleyball
Akins would rather be on the beach in the sand than just about anywhere
Chunk me!
Maima and Akins taking a ride through the rain slide
Every time she comes up she is looking for Mommy-o
The kids playing beach soccer
Mexican hair braids (much needed)!
Maima had a girl crush on this resort worker
The lazy river at the water park
Big slides! We had the whole park to ourselves
The kids got to be part of the dolphin show
The sea lion was just two rows below us and there were only 6 other people there! A real close encounter.
Maima enjoying the sand
Maima is not too sure about the giant iguana
Akins on the other hand is loving it
Our new friend! At the cost of $100 Pesos
Deep water piggy back rides
Maima doing the "sexy dance"
Piggy back aerobics
Akins coming up for air
Akins and I ready to jump in and see the fish!
The reaction Maima gave when she thought they sawed her favorite girl in half during the magic show
Funniest comments:
At the airport
Akins: (Whispering) Mommy-O that lady has black legs and white hands and face.
Mommy: Yes honey she is wearing nylons they are like big socks that make her legs look black.
Akins: Oh. Why?