Akins has some really funny sayings. The above being one of them. This one has a special purpose that we find quite helpful. It started off during dinner when he would get distracted and start playing around rather than eating. We figured out that he never wants to be the last one with food on his plate (well except that he wants all of the food on his plate - a topic for a differnt day). So, he would say "I beat by you". Meaning I will finish before you, or I will beat you. Now, that we understand the importance we are finding it really handy in speeding up the eating process when it slows down to a lull, and for that matter speeding up lots of processes, like getting dressed in the morning or getting into the car or well, just about anything that might normally take hours to get around to finishing! So, we now all play "I beat by you" and of course always let the little man win. So far he has not caught on and for the most part we get places on time!