• I wish for just 10 minutes each day to elapse without hearing the
bleating cry “Mommy come”.
• I wish to be able to take a shower or use the toilet without an
audience. (working on this one)
• I wish for all hand dryers to be made the same in public restrooms to
eliminate the curiousity as this would be a definite time saver for me.
(we really do need to speak with the manufacturers of these things)
We definately have made much progress!!!

He has gone from.....this sad, scared little boy
to embracing me willingly for our first hug!

to leraning how to ride a scooter during the first week in America

to getting to see friends from Africa all safe and sound in South Dakota just a few weeks after getting here
to becoming an impressive swimmer who can hold his breath forever
to that funny, entertaining boy we all now know

to....this handsome young man!!!