While Junior and I were hanging out today doing things - you know like watching him ride in his new Little Tikes car, or while we were mowing the yard on the "big tractor" with his legs flopped over either of mine so he can hang on. I was thinking how did I get here. Mind you not in a bad way, but let me explain. In the past with kids (other than nieces and nephews) I have always been a bit reserved. I never wanted to hurt a child and getting too attached and then not really being there for them seemed unfair.
So, when a child would come around me and they always fixated on me for some reason, I could literally feel myself shut down or turn off in some way. Needless to say I was a bit afraid this might happen with Akins Junior. Always in the back of my mind while I was full steam ahead in the process I was wondering "what if"? Well, let me summarized my feelings, "Mama" has never sounded so good - well until you have heard it for the 100th time in less than 10 minutes.
I'm not shutting down to this child his hugs are as sweet as his smell (most of the time)! Now, Lorea might think otherwise since she is sporting a black eye from him head butting her two nights ago while in a sleep needed hyperactive state!