On Sunday we went to the Olive Garden for lunch. Akins is very interested in pretty girls and will stop dead in his tracks if one comes on the television. Well, our waitress was this young, blue eyed, girl with long curly red hair, probably about 20 years old. He kept asking and asking "where is she going" every time she would leave our table. Finally, he says "dat gur is pretty, aye wan to tell hur". So, when she comes back by I said "don't you have something you wanted to tell her"? He, says "you pretty" then really blushes and hides. Honestly, I did not think he would have the nerve. Well, in the car he says "aye wan to come here tomorrow, aye wan to see the gur". Later that night he says again "aye wan to see the pretty gur". Flash forward two days later and again he is still talking about her. I guess this is his first crush, God help us he is going to be a big ladies man!