For those still waiting for their kids and for those of us that braved the whole adoption process through to the end, I can say that recovery is much the same process. Yesterday, I thought we were on the mend. Last night I was terrified that something was very wrong. The anology - one step forward - one step back. Sound familiar to anyone?
Akins had not needed any medication all day yesterday so we thought we were headin' for home, even though clothes are still not happening. Then around midnight things took a terrible turn for the worst. Finally, at 3:45 am I was able to get him to tell me that he was in pain again and forced fed him (literally) some pain medication and then he finally rested. At least he got a little, I can't say that I did. I overslept when I finally did dose off. The fact that the pain was on the rise had me concerned that there might be some infection brewing especially since we are unable to put the antibiotics on him like we were told to.
Today Lorea survived the day with him alone while I went to work, even the sponge bath and going potty which until now he has not allowed anyone to help him but me. I cancelled my trip to TX as there is no way he will be back in school in the next couple of days. But we are now one step forward again...I think. Sound familiar?
So here is my payback for all of the pain I have put him through. He has cut up every piece of paper in my desk drawer! Small sacrifice I suppose. At least he is up and sort of playing even if it is partially clad!