Sunday, August 29, 2010

Maima's Official Gotcha Day # 1

One year ago on August 28th Maima came to live with us. I remember that scared and angry child coming to live with us. She came off the plane in her pretty dress and her white dress shoes that must have really hurt walking through the airport all day. As she was released to me by the airport personnel her face was frought with fear and uncertainty for a new family and the unknown. That long and most certainly scary day is her official "Gotcha" day! It seems a million years ago now as she is so much a part of our family we could not imagine it any other way today. I am pleased to say these days her face is mostly filled with smiles (and braces).

In celebration of Maima's special day we took the quads and ventured beyond our backyard for the first time with the kids. To make it even more daring we went somewhere we have never been before. When we lived in California (pre-kids) we knew all the great places to go and even though we did not have kids we knew the trails well enough to know those that would be great and safe for kids. Here in Oklahoma, it is all foreign and foreign trail riding is scary, especially with kids! Today was filled with a lot of emotion, fear and tears, joy and laughter and victory as the kids conquered things they have only dreamed of before. Lorea and I were both like mother bears protecting our young. Sometimes that included growling a bit to get them to listen (Akins seems to be especially challenged with this lately)so as not to get hurt. In all, we came away unscathed with the kids bragging a bit about how well they did!

A group shot!

Akins looking pretty tough

and all grown up. Okay, maybe not!

All that ridin', dirt and fresh air makes one hungry for bananas!