On Tuesday a history event took place and I was excited as the polls were to begin closing I was anxiously awaiting the rollup of delegate votes. I flipped on the TV and Akins was wondering what the buzz was all about. So, I began to explain to him that we were about to get a new president. The conversation and the following morning went like this...
Akins: What the President do?
Mommy: Well, he is the most important man.
Akins: Why?
Mommy: He runs our country and he makes all the decisions about our country. We are about to get a new president. There are two men trying to win right now. One is Obama and one is McCain and we want Obama to win.
Akins: Why?
Mommy: Because he is a good man that will do good things for our country.
Akins: The other man is a bad man?
Mommy: Well, kind of yes.
Akins: What did he do?
Mommy: He makes bad decisions.
Akins: Who will win?
Mommy: I don't know that's what we are waiting to see and when you wake up in the morning we will have a new president. It's really important and you know he is a black man like you.
Akins: Oh. He can come to my house?
Mommy: No, probably not.
Akins: Why?
Mommy: Because he is really important. When you wake up though we will know who won.
Morning - still in bed and barely awake...
Akins: Mommy, who is the new present?
Mommy: The President? Obama!
Akins: Yea!
After getting ready for school....
Akins: I want to see him.
Mommy: Who?
Akins: The present.
Mommy: Okay, come here let's turn on the TV.
Akins: Where is he? (commentator's tying up the airwaves)
Mommy: Oh, there is McCain.
Akins: He is the bad guy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Akins: I want to see Bama.
Mommy: Oh, there he is, there is Obama.
Akins: He's not BLACK!
Mommy: Yes he is.
Akins: No he's not he's not black.
Since then the past two nights have been riddled with a million more questions and a lot of discussion about blacks, whites etc. Who would have thought a four year old would be this interested in the presidential election! Now that is historic!