Saturday, April 10, 2010

April Fool's Day

Going to try to catch up in order of events.... (I know I suck at blogging these days).

April Fools - I had to teach Akins about this strange tradition and then sent him off to torment the teacher and class. It started with him telling the pre-care center teacher Ms. Kelly she had on two different shoes. Then later we decided to get him back. Some of you may remember the fudge story a year or so back where Lorea pretended it was poop and ate it, leaving Akins in a state of horror. Yes, I know we might need some help. Sticking to the poop theme, knowing how well it worked before, I smeared chocolate pudding under the lid of the toilet seat. Akins ran off to use the restroom and came out screaming saying Maima made a mess! Maima was at a sleep over so clearly this could not have been her issue. Therefore, we carried on about how could "he" have made such a mess. Okay, finally when the anxiety over the whole issue, after chasing him around the house with pudding poop on my hands was too much for the big guy. APRIL FOOLS!!!! I know, more psychological care needed in the future, I get it.

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