Saturday, March 13, 2010

Basketball Jones

To some of you the title of this post will make sense. To others maybe not so much (song from the late 70's).... anyway Maima was on the Inola Girls 5th Grade Basketball team this year. I was amazed at the aggression that was displayed by these young girls. Here are some of the photos.I must note that it is hard to get good shots when everyone is running, jumping and well sometimes rolling on the ground. Mom, Lorea and I were calling it Basketball Derby. Maima is a good player runs fast and works hard. This has been a good experience for her in learning how to control that BIG temper of hers.

On the court wide open for the pass


The reward!

Here is another fun story. One day Maima and Akins decided to play dolls. At first they were playing where each had a doll and they were the mommy or daddy as the case may be. Then Akins decided he wanted to be the baby. So, Maima swaddled him up just like a good mother would and held him in her arms, rocking him back and forth. After a little while she said "Mommy, Mommy-O, I think he really fell asleep". Sure enough, there he was sweet as a baby sound asleep in her arms.

Funny things:
Akins: What's an Eskimo? (conversation about his friend from Alaska)
Mommy: Someone from Alaska. Just like you are an African from Africa. Michael is an Eskimo from Alaska.
Akins: Being and Eskimo makes you electric?
Mommy: Dude, what are you talking about?
Akins: Michael is electric
Lorea: Oh, you mean allergic. (Michael has lots of food allergies)
Mommy: No, being an Eskimo does not make you allergic, Michael could have allergies even if he was from Africa.
Akins: I am electric too.
Maima: Dude, no you are not!
Akins: Uh, huh, I am electric to grass

Akins: Jordan, Jordan, Jordan on the River.

1 comment:

Richardson Family said...

Love the picture of Maima and Akins, what beautiful kids..LOL at the allergic/electric conversation.