Saturday, April 12, 2008

Three Pack of Goggles

Akins has been swimming for a while now and recently discovered goggles at the pool. We went today to get him "his own pair" and came across a three pack. Here was his big sales pitch for getting these instead of one pair.

Akins: "I want the ones with the frog".
Lorea: "What about the other ones".
Akins: "One for Kuker and one for Gormah, I will share with them when they come to my house".

He immediately assigned the colors to each of them. Kuker orange and Gormah purple. These are now tucked safely in "his drawer, in his bathroom" for safe keeping until they arrive.

How could we resist. So - here is the video outlining which ones are which and displaying this lovely fashion statement which is especially attractive with the mohawk.

1 comment:

Nodler-Morris Zoo said...

Gormah and Kuker want to Akins (okay still Junior to them but we are working on it) thank you and they cannot wait to see him!!!!!!!!!!!