Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rockin' the House! - Jimmy Hendrix Lives

Since we got home from Africa there are few things on the TV that catch Akins attention. Which frankly is good, but last night we had the tube on and he saw the "Singing Bee" and got really excited. I've never watched it and actually think it is pretty silly but he loved it. The only other time I have seen him get really excited was when the girls walked out onto the stage for "Deal or No Deal" and let's face it that gets everyones attention. So, after his doctor appointment (we'll talk about that in a moment), Lorea gave him a toy guitar that we had been holding back so he did not get so many toys all at once. Well, between his new guitar and the "Singing Bee" the house began to rock and here is what happened next - a full on rock concert right in our living room.

Tonight he is asking for dancing - so I had to bust out some videos the only thing close I could come up with was my Turbo Jam exercise video and right now he is trying his Turbo Jam workout moves on for size! He's a bit frustrated at the pace but he is giving it a heck of a try!

Now for the doctor update... Well, I thought we had all results in but it seems his stool sample was well ummm lost. What!!! Okay, so we have to do that over. The Hep A, B, C had not been faxed over and so I still need confirmation that these are clear but I am sure they are. While there I re-addressed the hernia and circumcision issues and now have a referal to a surgeon for Tuesday. Great... another day of complete meltdown. The doctor is not a good time! He got two more shots so you may note in his "sexier shirtless" rock star photo that he has two band-aids one on each arm. He was so distressed before even entering the building that I am not sure we got an accurate weight but it said he gained 2 pounds. Keep in mind the first two weeks we had him were prior to doctor appointments because we got him the first night in Africa. So, really this is a measurement of about 5 weeks. He also grew 3/4 of an inch! Other than being completely stressed out, the health report was good!


Unknown said...

I love how he's sneaking a peek at you in the third picture - just making sure Mom's still watching! He's such a ham!


Anonymous said...

Are you still having concerns
re: to circumsize or not?
On Oprah this week, I believe on Tues or Wed, not even sure, Dr. Oz chaired a show for men only and he mentioned the pros and cons for both. I cant remember.
you should be able to see it on the web.