Leading the girl (he didn't want to hold hands with) and the boy who clearly did not want to be there at all...
Singing the Alligator song
That little girl was pulling on his hat and now trying to share his chair
Proof we made it....
Perhaps he has a future as a cobbler??? Shoe repair necessary right in the middle of the event.
Funny Moments -
Maima: "Dude, I am not laughing at you I am laughing with you"
Akins: "I'm not laughing" (points to his face) "Does it look like I am laughing"!
Remember the song by the Village People? -
Akins: "Nacho, Nacho, Nacho man. I want to be a Nacho man".
Mommy: "Hey that's supposed to be Macho Man"
Akins: "What's a Macho Man"? (shrugs) "Nacho, Nacho, Nacho man...."
Not so funny moments -
We have officially lost all potential coolness we ever had and bought a mini van!!!! Lorea dubbed it the "Sienna Soccer Shuttle". This sounds way better than the Mini Van. I swear not in a million years!
Awesome - a milestone reached. I think I like "Nacho Man" better than "Macho Man" --- I told my husband I would never drive a station wagon, and I haven't, but when I went from mini-van to conversion van -- I knew I lost all pretense of coolness!
Hello my favorite Minivan Mamas! As much as going to a minivan may make you cringe they are handy!
Congrats Akins on your graduation!
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