It begins with teaching Maima how to select the appropriate tree.
It's all in the flavor! The one that tastes the best!
The best one sitting out there all by herself.
Felling the tree is a labor of love, grimmaces, hard work and
We continue by celebrating to holiday tunes...
and ta da, beautiful!
Next a tour of the lights at the Rhema College
Look Mommy-O it says Eman!
Then the introduction of our own holiday tradition. Christmas Eve - Talent Contest!
Akins talent looks like it hurts
Grandma's on the other hand looks cozy as she demonstrates the talent of proper reclining!
Maima's looks a bit painful too!
We awoke to a very white Christmas, with over six inches of snow.
Santa was good to the kids, though I question the accuracy of his naughty or nice list.
Dolly loves Christmas morning and is right in the action. Come on Lorea, let me open it!
The unwrapping frenzy in full swing and in a flash it is over, the house is a mess, and there is more to play with then two kids can focus on.
Funny quotes:
We were eating at the Spaghetti Warehouse and in walk some Po-Po (police).
Akins: Hey, they are supposed to eat donuts!
Mommy: Okay Maima, off to bed you go, you have to get your beauty sleep.
Akins: Yeah and I have to get my boy sleep!
Akins fails to listen more often than not. Maima had said she was going to ask Santa for "bigger ears for her brother". We had told her we could buy pigs ears at the pet store, that they were really big. On Christmas morning...
Maima: Mommy I got everything I wanted, except the pigs ears.
Yes, I questioned the naughty and nice list myself. Every gift for Eman seemed to have something to do with eliminating energy and trauma.
Annie came home from Sunday school shocked that Jesus' name was also Emmanuel. Yes, we'll just call Eman Jesus now, if he's the second coming we're all in trouble.
i love all the pics aunt val tell everybody that i sya "hi" for me ... i want to come down and see you guys so bad but i do not think that will happen for a while anyways i love you hope to see you sometime soon :)
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