One small boy's journey through adoption from Liberia Africa to the United States and a glimpse at all the other anxious families!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Soccer Star in the Making
Like most of our Liberian boys, Akins is very athletic and generally out plays the other kids on the field. He scored all three of the goals the team got during Saturdays game. Here is some of the action.
Setting it up... Look at that form. Blocking the goal. Aim for the pocket and that's how it's done!
Unfortunately, there is not much to tell. This small boy was found wandering in the street by a police officer at an estimated age of 1 1/2 to 2 years old. The police officer brought the boy to an orphange outside of Monrovia in a small town called Paynesville. The Orphanage is currently run by a woman named Jessie. The orphanage took him in ~ April of 2006. The police officer named him Junior and it stuck!
Junior's Waiting Family
Valerie and Lorea, Aunt Tammy, Grandma Joyce, Cousins - Claudia, Shayne and Landon
Each family is anxiously waiting - during this time we have shared photos with each other. So that you can watch the journey and learn about the other familes and their children too I have included their photos. Keep in mind these children have been Junior's family for over a year.
Shelby and Lori's Story
Like all of us the road has been hard. Shelby and Lori hope to have either Jessica or Sharon escort Gormah and Kurker home in September as they will not be travelling to pick up the kids.
Jessica's Story
Jessica is on wits ends as little Florence appears to have some growth deficiencies and needs to get to the US quickly. Jessica has been pushing for early to mid September to bring Florence and Diamond home!
Jessica (The Simons)
The Simons - Waiting on Diamond and Florence
Karen's Story
Gosh! Where to begin! Karen wants to adopt two children. She has been open to older children and both genders. After not getting a referral for a long time. Karen even applied in Ethiopia and Lesotho thus holding applications in three countries trying to broaden the options. Still no referral. Finally, Karen found Ishamel and asked about him. He is 9 years old and she has fallen in love. Still - Karen waits on a second referral. Still she holds applications in all three countries. The thought of making Ishamel wait while waiting for another referral has Karen in knots so she has made travel plans and is leaving to get Ishamel on August 23, 2007 and will likely have to make another trip for a second child! Karen has been my sounding board throughout these past few months. We got our referrals at about the same time and began holding each other together via telephone. Hang in there Karen!
We Sent Pictures
Junior looking at his album
Sharon's Story
Sharon has been waiting like most of us a long time. Sharon has not yet made travel plans but hopes to bring Jemama and Princess home in September.
Patricia's Story
This woman obviously has the patience of Job. She has waited 2 1/2 years for a child often feeling like she has been forgotten about. Finally, she got the referal for little Alomiza. After all this time and a communication failure she thought this child had been returned home. Later, it was confirmed that Alomiza is still at the house. Patricia hopes to bring her home in September but does not have specific plans yet as due to all of the waiting some of the paperwork has expired. We are all holding on to Alomiza coming home before fall!
Tammie's Story
Tammie has been waiting a long time too, only she has been waiting for a child from Ethipoia. She recently got the referral for little Abeba. This little girl is estimated to be between 5 and 6 years old. Tammie and her bio daughter Debbra anxiously await the arrival of her new sister.
Heather's Story
Heather found kids at another orphange called Rainbow Town. Heather's process has included a few extra challenges as a result of not having the at the house owned by the adoption agency. She has had good communication with the Rainbow Town Representative Jackson. One contact that has kept her sane! Heather left on July 24th and took photo albums for most of us to give to our kids.
Jemama and Princess
Jemama and Princess
Matthew and Princess
Gormah and Kurker
Florence & Diamond
Florence and Diamond
Sharon - waiting on Jemama and Princess
Heather - The Pasquinelli's
The Pasquinelli's - waiting on Matthew and Princess
Shelby - w/ Kennedy and Ben waiting on Gormah and Kurker
Lori - (holding Ben) waiting w/Shelby for Gormah and Kurker
Patricia waiting on Alomiza
Karen (The Monson's)
The Monson's Waiting on Ishamel
July 19, 2007 - Junior
Abandoned No Siblings
July 19, 2007 - The Other Kids and Families
Needless to say international adoption is not an esay process. For the kids they often wait and wait. For the parents they often wait and wait! The only thing to keep everyone sane is each other. In the house there were reportedly 29 kids as of May 2007. The kids keep each other sane they play and learn together. The older kids are harder to place and often wait longer. The older kids seem mature and responsible beyond their years and are often seen caring for the smaller children. It seems to be natural and loving. Several familes are adopting more than one child so there are fewer familes. The familes stay sane by staying in contact through yahoo groups on line and the phone. By working together we learn. Without each other the process is maddening, complicated, confusing and very frustrating. There is little information provided and it is very infrequent.
Zach warms up the car seat while I paint
Painting the room
I have to stay busy!
July 20, 2007 - Getting Ready for Him to Come Home!
Painting his room! Last minute decision to change the color! Yikes!
July 21, 2007 - Last Minute Documents
I received some last minute documents that have to be notarized. Heather got hers about 1 week before traveling so I guess I am lucky!
Now his room is ready...I think!
July 23, 2007 - Painting done - Check!
Just a few toys - not spoiled yet!
July 24, 2007 - Good things happened today!
Heather left for Liberia to bring home Matthew and Princess and after months of waiting and applications in three countries Karen finally got a second referral today - a 7 to 8 year old girl named Diamond! If you would like to follow Heather's trip please visit her blog at :
July 25, 2007 - Heather is in Africa and Mom got her final shots today!
One step closer. Heather should be handing over the photo albums we sent to our children tonight or tomorrow. Mom went and got the last of those dreadful shots today. We have passports, visas and all the vaccinations done! WoooHooo!
July 26, 2007 - 12 day countdown!
Twelve more days until flight day! I'm starting to get anxious. I think with all of the frustrations and bad information around passports it was hard for me to "trust" that I was really going to bring Junior home. I now have tickets in hand and I'm goin'!
Heather shot off a short email today and while her arrival in Monrovia did not go exactly according to plan she did get to see the kids briefly - and she got to tell them their Mommies loved them and were coming soon - she wrote (VAL - JUNIOR WAS ALL SMILES!) I can not even explain how this made me feel and now I am really ready!
July 27, 2007 - 11 days and I can't sit still!
Unfortunately, no news from Heather today. All of us waiting families were hoping for an update from her and possisbly some photos! The mix up on her travel included not having reservations booked at the hotel where Internet is available so the communication from her is probably going to be limited. With Independance Day celebrations now complete she may be able to get better accomodations. We are all hoping for this anyway!
Yesterday, July 26th was the official Independence Day holiday Liberia was to celebrate its independence anniversary with something of a light show when Monrovia's street lights were to be turned on for the first time in 15 years, officials said on Wednesday.
Here's to PEACE, FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in Liberia!
An African Theme Cake
How do these look on me?
Junior's new ride!
Checkin' everything out!
How does it go Lorea?
July 28, 2007 - We hit the Motherlode in shower gifts
Lorea's co-workers and employees had a shower for her at work and it was like Christmas! I'm terrified this boy is going to be spoiled!
1 comment:
Great job Akins! Not only athletic but handsome too!
Hi Maima, you were a beautiful princess bride.
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