Today marks the one year anniversary (can you believe it) from when I first held Akins in my arms. Mom and I had arrived in Monrovia and then were driven out to the AFAA house to meet this little boy for which I had so far only seen pictures or video. I worried the whole trip about what if he did not like me. As we were driving I inquired and learned that he had told Jessie (the agency rep at the time) that he was going to "sit on his American Mommy's lap" and he had told the other kids to "stay away"! Well, that should have been a clue to the clinging behavior I get these days. He would sit on my lap 24/7 if allowed! We celebrated what we will forever more refer to as "Gotchya Day" by going out to a nice restaurant with Grandma, (compliments of some friends :)) Sorry those photos did not come out it was too dark.

The moment he climbed into my arms.

So, how far have we come? Well take a look, pictures are worth a million words.

That was then ..... Looks pretty sad doesn't he?

This is now ..... Hammin' it up with Kuker at the reunion.

Akins say "Gotchya"!

Frequently referred to a "goofy boy"! Look at that smile!
Congrats!!! It is a huge milestone!
If only I could get a wet sloppy kiss for the occasion.
I can't believe it has been a year! Incredible.
First we think they will never get here and then we can't believe the time went so fast. What a difference you have made in one little boy's life!
I love the "Gotchya Day" idea! What a year of changes it has been for you! Congratulations on hitting this milestone. I've enjoyed keeping up with your blog :)
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