Every year my sister Tammy brings some of the kids for the week over the 4th. This year was the same with a few additions. It was Akins first celebration and this time my niece Amanda came and brought her two daughters Aleyia and Haley. We spent the week eating (way too much), swimming until the sun was setting every day, riding the quads and dirt bikes and then on the evening of the 4th the everyone lines up while I play fire marshall and let off an aresonal of fireworks! Tammy called this morning from home and said the girls got up and told Amanda "we want to go swimming at Batteries" (read the previous post for clrification on this matter). Sorry girls you'll have to come back to swim!

Claudia playing with those things you throw on the ground that pop/snap

Shane getting in a last minute bonzai jump as the sun is going down

Landon, Shane, Aleyia and Tammy

Aleyia checking out the pool toys

Haley, Landon, Shane and Aleyia playing some game

Haley ready to make a BIG splash

Amanda kickin' it on the side of the pool after a visit to the tattoo parlor

Tammy giving Dolly some lovin'

Akins playing a game with the boys


Laughing at whatever the game is

Grandma ridin' her pink donkey!

Claudia and Landon making the track on the quads

Lorea gettin' some air

Everyone start your engines
It looks like an awesome celebration!
We had such a great time! the pics turned out awesome, you will hav to send me some when you get the chance! yes the girls want to come back already, even with the long long drive! lol! thanks so much for having us we love and miss you all already... love -Amanda & family
I just love your dog! I've never seen a dog ride around in a floaty!
Looks like fun! I love pink donkeys!
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