We took Akins to see the Bee Movie as his first "big video" experience. I never could get him to stand still long enough to take a good photo. In this one he is more interested in the lights on his shoes than the photo shoot. I had talked with him for a few days about the movie theater to prepare him for the loudness, the darkness and the ability to stay quiet for two hours. We got popcorn and candy and settled in as best we could. He is so small that the seat was trying to fold him up in it and we had to stuff my coat into it to keep it open. When the previews started he immediately became suspect as these were clearly NOT the Bee Movie and so I had to explain that these were possible other movies we could see later. Then the "feature presentation" began and he managed to sit still and quiet all the way until about the last 15 minutes. He had not had a nap and was getting tired so he came to sit on Mommy's lap. I must say I had invisioned having to leave half way through but we acutally made it all the way until the end. Later he imitated the Bee by flying himself up and down the driveway. I guess it was a success!
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So glad you tried it first. We were talking about taking our kids (actually Grandma was talking about it) and I said I don't think they will sit still. Maybe we'll try another first!!!
Miss ya,
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