This means I must return to work tomorrow. There are pros and cons to this whole necessity. Those of you that know me well know that work helps keep me balanced and well it provides for food, clothes, toys, travel all of the things I consider necessities. I suppose all of this could be considered the pros.
Now for the cons, the most obvious, leaving Akins to understand that yes I will return for him at the end of the day as what he understands is that people leave and they never come back. Then comes Wednesday when I need to travel out of town overnight. The timing is not great I realize, but it is what it is. Lorea may have her hands full trying to make him understand where I am and that I will return tomorrow. Hopefully, some good can come from this by allowing a deeper bonding time for the two of them. It will be the first time I have not been with him for any period of time since arriving in Monrovia.
So, I'll get off here for now and spend those last precious hours enjoying his sweet smile, infectous laugh and tricky sense of humor. For those of you that have followed this journey I must thank you for your words of encouragement and support through your comments, as much as you enjoy the blog updates I enjoy the feedback on how we are doing.

Under that ice cream mustache notice the favorite shade of pink

Finally he has the hang of his bike.

Cousin Bill playing monster man with the rubber worm

900 miles per hour straight towards the house

I'm not sure who was the monster Bill or Akins
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