Friday, August 24, 2007

First week home recap

Junior came home a week ago today. In fact at this writing it is almost exactly the same hour since we first introduced him to his new home. We have gone from a boy terrifed of the dogs and cows or any animal for that matter. To one who just tonight took a bath with one of the dogs. Not necessarily Mom's idea of a great thing, but if it gets him closer to trusting them then we'll make a few exceptions. He has fed the cows through the fence and literally chased the neighbor's dog away for barking at him. He has grown from a boy who NEEDED to sleep in bed with someone to taking naps in his own bed and last night spending the whole night in his own bed without a peep. He's gone to every type of doctor and been poked, proded, given shots, had blood taken (lots of it), and had his teeth checked. None of which did he like but imagine his surprise when Zach (the small dog) also had to get a shot this week. He wrinkled his nose when the dog got his temperature taken. He has been to many stores and experienced riding a bike, a big wheel, a toy car, a tractor, a quad, learned to hold his breath and swim across the pool and overcame the anxiety of wearing seatbelts and riding in the booster seat. He's met tons of people and eaten in many resturants! He's learned to sit on the potty like a big boy (he used to stand on it to go #2), he brushes and flosses (well he tries) and he is slowly learning to be patient that not everything is a crisis. He is also learning to chew with his mouth closed and to talk in an inside voice. He is being called by a new name and starting to respond to it.

I don't know about you, but I don't think I've accomplished this much in one week even on my best week!


Anonymous said...


I can't tell you how much it means to me to read your posts. It brings tears to my eyes. You are such an awesome mom and friend!!!


Anonymous said...


You are superior at everything you do. Parenting is no different! It's so nice to be able to read your posts every day and share this with you.

Just think, eight days ago, you didn't know if you'd be leaving Africa without him. Now look how blessed you are!

Richardson Family said...

Awesome job. He is making so much progress, looks like he has a fabulous mom too!

Anonymous said...

What a great pair you make! He looks so happy and content! He couldn't have done all that he did without you. I'm sure that you will continue to amaze!
