Today was a rough one as Junior now has four days of energy stored inside (inside the hotel room that is). He's bored and now frustrated. I can't blame him, I do blame the agency director for not organizing this trip much better. Had things been handled properly it would be in the honeymoon period still as we try to make the 30 hour trip home. I fear we will have a complete melt down on the way home. Junior should have been home before his frustration with language and the realization of a new mommy overwhelmed him. So, we still invent anything to keep him entertained. He is incredible smart for him young age. Tonight he tore the cover off of a magazine and then wanted to fix it and decided that if he wet his fingers and made each edge wet they would stick together. Pretty clever for a three year old. He figures everything out in about 10 seconds and he repeats every word I say. Grandma just keeps raising her eyebrows like "oh boy"!
We learned to brush our teeth tonight and I allowed him a long shower. He is amazed at the hot water - oh and got angry at dinner when his ice was "taken from him". The concept of it melting I could not get across. We are having a blast between the rough patches and keep in mind the rough patches are short nothing like Sue described E-man doing. He talks about E-man a lot so I think the visit in September will be a really good thing for him.
Okay, the Royal is closing and Junior is in bed with Grandma overseeing so I better get back up there. It took 20 minutes to get this one photo on hope you like it! Tomorrow I will work feverishly to get photos of your kids on here- fingers crossed!
1 comment:
I have all three kids and Scott crowded around me now as we read your post and look at the pictures.
The 20 minutes on this picture was so worth it. Abegail says, Junior got sandals on. He's at the hotel!
Can't wait to see him again and meet you finally!!!
Sue and the rest of the clan.
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