Sunday, February 1, 2009

Long delay - lots to say!

I have been remiss in my posting of late. I guess life gets in the way at times. Work is more stressful than ever, the economy wreaks havoc everywhere it seems. The fiscal year ended yesterday and what was to be a successful month was slammed to the ground by the ice storm causing a severe loss in calls and now what is left is a ton of customers who got cancelled and need service right now! I also was traveling and will be doing more of that in the coming weeks making it tough to stay on top of all duties work and home. Yet in the middle of this Akins always has a few jewels to make me smile that I wish to share.


Akins: Hey Guys?
Lorea: Hey? What is that all about? And guys we aren't guys.
Akins: Hey Girls?

Okay that makes us laugh.

Akins: Hey guys, want to play WII?
Lorea: Hey guys, again?
Akins: Hey girls want to play WII?
Mommy-O: How do you ask?
Akins: Man, I play WII please?
Lorea: Man???
Mommy-O: I think he is trying to say may I.
Akins: I said May I.
Lorea: Man????
Mommy-O: Say Ma'am'
Akins: Man
Mommy-O: No, Ma'am'
Akins: Ma'am-a!
Mommy-O: Okay close enough

Akins: Dolly is really cute, Zachy is really really cute, Mommy-O is cute, Beans is only a little bit cute....

Ahhh, poor Beans.

Akins was attempting to say something that was not coming out quite right. Lorea is trying to teach him the correct pronunciation.
Akins: It is because of my Africa.
Lorea: What is?
Akins: I can not say it because of my Africa.
Lorea: You mean because of your language? The way you speak in Africa?
Akins: Yes, I can not say it because of my Africa.

Interesting, he actually knows that the language is challenging him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is great that you are documenting these stories. They are priceless! - Lisa