Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back to Dr. Mary - deep breath

Tomorrow is Akins follow up visit to see how the "gutty button" is doing two weeks after the surgery. I must admit I am concerend. We have had a hard time keeping him still and the daycare has really struggled despite valiant efforts. He feels good so he wants to be a three year old and there is a ton of energy that he does not understand should not be expended the way he normally would. The area feels very hard when he is laying down in a relaxed position and you press on it, this should be soft and kind os squishy feeling. I am hoping it is just scar tissue but...I'm worried. I have decided though if it is not right, unless it is truly life threatening we will wait and do this WAY down the road when he can understand the concept of a doctor telling him no vigorous activity. I hope I am worried for no reason. We'll know in the morning. He is expecting a thumbs up on swimming so I REALLY hope we are not disappointed because he is going to be very unhappy if swimming remains on hold.

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