Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One Year Post Placement - Check

The post placement study required at 12 months came in the mail today. So, the final requirement for the AFAA adoption agency is complete. Now, annually I personally will file a report for the African government in support of the continuation of African adoptions to American families.

I have but one final task (well besides, baths, stories, school work, dating, cars, sports for the next 15 years and then through college and marriage, grandchildren or grandpets, etc. you get the picture)getting a U.S. Passport so we can travel. I have the docs printed out and completed I just need to make it to the Post Office in Tulsa at some point to apply. Akins has to be present so I have to plan around day care. To ensure this in fact does happen I planned a vacation that requires a passport. That should make sure I get this final task done and then we can just focus on parenting.

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